Any list of Macintosh error codes is erroneous as soon as it's put up.
There are new codes introducted all the time, but most of these should
at least remain constant.
error -32768 svTempDisable: Temporarily disable card but run primary init.
error -32640 svDisabled: Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.
error -32615 fontNotOutlineErr: bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only
error -23048 outOfMemory: Not enough memory is available to issue the needed DNR query or to build the DNR cache.
error -23047 dnrErr: The domain name server has returned an error.
error -23046 noAnsErr: None of the known name servers are responding.
error -23045 authNameErr: The domain name does not exist.
error -23044 noNameServer: No name server can be found for the specified name string.
error -23043 noResultProc: No result procedure is passed to the address translation call when the resolver must be used to find the address.
error -23042 cacheFault: The name specified cannot be found in the cache. The domain name resolver will now query the domain name server and return the answer in the callback procedure.
error -23041 nameSyntaxErr: The <> field had a syntax error. The address was given in dot notation (that is, W.X.Y.Z) and did not conform to the syntax for an IP address.
error -23037 ipRouteErr: No gateway available to manage routing of packets to off-network destinations.
error -23036 ipNoFragMemErr: Insufficient internal driver buffers available to fragment this packet on send.
error -23035 icmpEchoTimeoutErr: The icmp echo packet was not responded to in the indicated timeout period.
error -23033 ipDestDeadErr: The destination host is not responding to address resolution requests.
error -23032 ipDontFragErr: The pack is too large to send without fragmenting and the Don't Fragment flag is set.
error -23017 duplicateSocket: A stream is already open using the local UDP port or a TCP connection already exists between the local IP address and TCP port, and the specified remote IP address and TCP port.
error -23016 commandTimeout: The specified command action was not completed in the specified time period.
error -23015 openFailed: The connection came halfway up and then failed.
error -23014 invalidWDS: The WDS pointer was 0 (nil).
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error -23014 invalidRDS: The RDS refers to receive buffers not owned by the user.
error -23013 invalidBufPtr: The receive buffer area pointer is 0 (nil).
error -23012 connectionTerminated: The TCP connection was broken; the reason will be given a terminate ASR.
error -23011 streamAlreadyOpen: An open stream is already using the receive buffer area.
error -23010 invalidStreamPtr: The specified TCP or UDP stream is not open.
error -23009 insufficientResources: 64 TCP or UDP streams are already open.
error -23008 connectionDoesntExist: The TCP stream has no open connection.
error -23007 connectionExists: The TCP or UDP stream already has an open connection.
error -23006 invalidLength: The total amount of data described by the WDS was either 0 or greater than 65,535 bytes.
error -23005 connectionClosing: A TCPClose command was already issued so there is no more data to send on this connection.
error -23004 ipBadAddr: Error in getting an address from a server or the address is already in use by another machine.
error -23003 ipLoadErr: Not enough room in the application heap (Macintosh 512K enhanced only)
error -23002 ipNoCnfgErr: A configuration resource is missing.
error -23001 ipBadCnfgErr: The manually set address is configured improperly.
error -23000 ipBadLapErr: Unable to initialize the local network handler.
end of mactcp error codes
error -20002 invalidIndexErr: The recordIndex parameter is not valid.
error -20001 recordDataTooBigErr: The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).
error -20000 unknownInsertModeErr: There is no such an insert mode.
error -13005 pmRecvEndErr: during receive pmgr did not finish hs configured for this connection
error -13004 pmRecvStartErr: during receive pmgr did not start hs
error -13003 pmSendEndErr: during send pmgr did not finish hs
error -13002 pmSendStartErr: during send pmgr did not start hs
error -13001 pmReplyTOErr: Timed out waiting for reply
error -13000 pmBusyErr: Power Mgr never ready to start handshake
error -11005 pictureDataErr: the picture data was invalid
error -11004 colorsRequestedErr: the number of colors requested was illegal
error -11003 cantLoadPickMethodErr: unable to load the custom pick proc
error -11002 pictInfoVerbErr: the passed verb was invalid
error -11001 pictInfoIDErr: the internal consistancy check for the PictInfoID is wrong
error -11000 pictInfoVersionErr: wrong version of the PictInfo structure
error -6231 kDMMainDisplayCannotMoveErr: Trying to move main display (or a display mirrored to it) or kDMNoDeviceTableclothErr: obsolete
error -6230 kDMDisplayAlreadyInstalledErr: Attempt to add an already installed display.
error -6229 kDMDisplayNotFoundErr: Could not find item (will someday remove). or kDMNotFoundErr: Could not find item.
error -6228 kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr: Video Driver does not support display manager.
error -6227 kDMSWNotInitializedErr: Required software not initialized (eg windowmanager or display mgr).
error -6226 kSysSWTooOld: Missing critical pieces of System Software.
error -6225 kDMMirroringNotOn: Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be on to do their thing.
error -6224 kDMCantBlock: Mirroring is already on canŐt Block now (call DMUnMirror() first).
error -6223 kDMMirroringBlocked: DMBlockMirroring() has been called.
error -6222 kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays: Can only handle 2 displays for now.
error -6221 kDMMirroringOnAlready: Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be off to do their thing.
error -6220 kDMGenErr: Unexpected Error Back To Top
error -5553 gestaltLocationErr: gestalt function ptr wasn't in sysheap
error -5552 gestaltDupSelectorErr: tried to add an entry that already existed
error -5551 gestaltUndefSelectorErr: undefined selector was passed to Gestalt
error -5550 gestaltUnknownErr: value returned if Gestalt doesn't know the answer
error -5502 envVersTooBig: Version bigger than call can handle
error -5501 envBadVers: Version non-positive
error -5500 envNotPresent: returned by glue.
error -5044 afpInsideTrashErr: the folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder OR the folder is being moved to the trash and it contains a shared folder
error -5043 afpInsideSharedErr: the folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into the descendent of a shared folder.
error -5042 afpPwdExpiredErr: the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue
error -5041 afpPwdTooShortErr: the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded
error -5040 afpPwdSameErr: someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change
error -3180 kOTCanceledErr: An outstanding call was canceled.
error -3179 kOTBadSyncErr: A call to Sync was made at non-SystemTask time.
error -3178 kOTProtocolErr: An unspecified protocol error occurred.
error -3177 kOTQFullErr: The maximum number of outstanding indications has been reached for the endpoint.
error -3176 kOTResAddressErr: The address to which this endpoint is bound differs from that of the endpoint that received the connection request; thus, this endpoint cannot accept this connection request.
error -3175 kOTResQLenErr: When this endpoint was bound (see Bind), the qlen parameter was greater than zero. But to accept a connection on an alternate end-point, such as this one, the endpoint must be bound with a qlen parameter equal to zero.
error -3174 kOTProviderMismatchErr: The endpoint that is to accept the connection is not the same kind of endpoint as this one.
error -3173 kOTIndOutErr: There are outstanding connection indications on the endpoint. All other connection indications must be handled either by rejecting them with SndDisconnect, or by accepting them with Accept.
error -3172 kOTAddressBusyErr: The requested address is in use, or this endpoint does not support multiple connections with the same local and remote addresses. This result code indicates that a connection already exists. As a return value for a Bind call, it may also indicate that no dynamic addresses are available for protocols or configuration methods that allow dynamic addressing.
error -3171 kOTBadQLenErr: The argument qlen when the endpoint was bound with Bind was zero.
error -3170 kOTBadNameErr: The endpoint name is invalid.
error -3169 kOTStructureTypeErr: An unsupported structure type was passed in the structType field. This error is also returned when the structType field is inconsistent with the endpoint type.
error -3168 kOTStateChangeErr: The endpoint is undergoing a transient state change. This error is returned when a function call is made while an endpoint is in the process of changing states.
error -3167 kOTNotSupportedErr: This action is not supported by this endpoint.
error -3166 kOTNoReleaseErr: No orderly release indication currently exists on this endpoint.
error -3165 kOTBadFlagErr: An invalid flag was specified.
error -3164 kOTNoUDErrErr: No unit data error indication currently exists on this endpoint.
error -3163 kOTNoDisconnectErr: No disconnect indication is available.
error -3162 kOTNoDataErr: This endpoint is in non-blocking mode, but no data is currently available. It is also returned by LookupName when no names are found.
error -3161 kOTFlowErr: The endpoint is in asynchronous mode, but the flow control mechanism prevents the endpoint from accepting any data at this time.
error -3160 kOTBufferOverflowErr: The number of bytes allocated to hold a result is greater than zero, but not sufficient to store the result.
error -3159 kOTBadDataErr: The amount of client data specified was not within the bounds allowed by the endpoint.
error -3158 kOTLookErr: An asynchronous event has occurred on this endpoint.
error -3156 kOTBadSequenceErr: An invalid sequence number was specified, or a NULL call pointer was specified when rejecting a connection request.
error -3155 kOTOutStateErr: The function was issued in the wrong sequence.
error -3154 kOTNoAddressErr: The endpoint could not allocate an address, or an address was required and not supplied by the client.
error -3153 kOTBadReferenceErr: The specified EndpointRef or TEndpoint* does not refer to a valid endpoint.
error -3152 kOTAccessErr: The user does not have permission to negotiate the specified address or options.
error -3151 kOTBadOptionErr: The specified protocol options were in an incorrect format or contained illegal information.
error -3150 kOTBadAddressErr: The specified protocol address was in an incorrect format or contained illegal information.
error -3109 sktClosedErr
error -3108 recNotFnd
error -3107 atpBadRsp
error -3106 atpLenErr
error -3105 readQErr
error -3104 extractErr
error -3103 ckSumErr
error -3102 noMPPErr
error -3101 buf2SmallErr
error -3032 noPrefAppErr
error -3031 badTranslationSpecErr
error -3030 noTranslationPathErr
error -3026 couldNotParseSourceFileErr: Source document does not contain source type
error -3025 invalidTranslationPathErr: Source type to destination type not a valid path
error -2899 fragLastErrCode: ie: an application's main fragment had no entry point - or - an accerated resource had no entry point or it had a termination routine etc...
error -2824 fragInvalidFragmentUsage: fragment targeted for an unacceptable architecture
error -2823 fragArchError: no application found in cfrg (for Process Manager)
error -2822 fragAppNotFound: user intialization routine did not return noErr
error -2821 fragUserInitProcErr: fragment container corrupted (known format)